Kwesi Arthur Is Now Fan Yogo Ambassador

Award winner, BET nominee and spark of the moment in Africa, Kwesi Arthur is here again with another reason for everyone to live their intended courses and hold their hustle. As a medal to add to his achievements, he has been recently signed by Fan Milk Ghana as the brand ambassador for their Fan Yogo product. This is one of Ghana’s finest products and it has been on the market for a while now. The deal took everybody by surprise, in a way that says he is reaching heights quickly and his zeal and passion to be great is ever inspiring.
Details of the of the deal is not entirely known to the public yet, but it basically includes the young king using is voice and millennial influence to promote the product. This is amazing, and just the kind of story that needs to be on everyone’s lips to spread the enthusiasm.
Rolling on the Ground Up Chale platform, Kwesi is the hottest young talent in the country with top features and hit releases. With only a few days to crown the year, one could say he had done the most, sped the pace for all these other artistes and his fighting spirit to get the job done and be a big deal must have been what got the brand asking for him. One up for Kwesi Arthur, Ground Up to the top.

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